tiistai 21. marraskuuta 2017

Hello! On this blog I am going to tell you something about these exercises I have been studying. These websites I’m introducing provide English lessons/exercises. Most of these exercises are very simple and they are a good test for you and your English skills. Continue reading and learn what I have been doing these past days!

Thursday 16th November I went on a website called englishpage.com (https://www.englishpage.com) . There I did some verb tense exercises. The exercises were about simple present and present continuous. Even though I found the exercises very easy and simple, I think they were good practice for a person who doesn’t use English on everyday basis. I could also suggest these exercises for those who aren’t very good at speaking/writing in English.

On a Tuesday morning 21st of November I studied the sites of British Council (http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals-podcasts) , where I did some exercises about writing a CV. I found these exercises very odd and a little bit confusing. I think these exercises might have been helpful and I might have learned something new of them, but if they were meant to helping me write my CV, I don´t think they gave me any tips or new information on that matter. For me this site altogether had some very confusing exercises that I really didn´t find that instructive. Maybe for some other person these might have been fun and helpful exercises, but for me these just didn’t work, unfortunately. Part of the reason may have also been that after studying the first exercise, I just didn’t feel like focusing on this specific website anymore.

After studying the sites of British Council, I went to a BBC Learning English –site  (http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-171116) . There I found some very good exercises that went with a headline “6 Minute English”. Under that headline there was for example an exercise called “How do you like your coffee?” which first had a video you had to look, then you had to answer a question that had an answer in the video. There was also a long vocabulary list, where I learned some new words I hadn’t known before. This website had also many other similar exercises that I personally found fun to do and I thought they were a lot better than the ones on those other websites I had studied before.

The last website I studied was English Vocabulary Exercises (http://www.englishvocabularyexercises.com/academic-word-list/) . This website had tons of exercises where you had to read sentences and find the right word that was missing from the sentence. I found these exercises quite easy and quick to do. They were good practice, but I didn’t really learn anything new from them. For a person that has a narrow vocabulary, I would like to suggest these exercises.

Altogether all these websites had quite easy exercises that didn’t give me much new information. Few sites had some good and fun exercises but some sites were just useless, at least for me. If you feel like you need some serious practice on your English skills, I could suggest these sites for you, especially englishpage.com, BBC Learning English and English Vocabulary Exercises. Go ahead and find out if you can learn something new with the help of these websites I just introduced!